Inner-cities can be good places to live because they offer the prospect of living close to work and not having to travel to meet your daily requirements and maintain your regular routines. With everything in close proximity – shops, health clubs, pharmacies, coffee shops, restaurants, bars and more. Many people choose not to own a vehicle at all because it’s so easy to get around, either on foot or by using public transport. Time previously spent traveling back and forth, can now be put towards more enjoyable and enriching things.
By definition, inner-cities are compact because the space at the heart of an urban area is limited. Being more compact, however, makes them more walkable and more enjoyable thanks to reduced reliance on cars. Not only does this way of living improve quality of life for people, but it also has a positive knock-on effect for the environment – reducing the carbon footprint, cutting pollution, lowering noise levels, easing congestion and addressing overcrowding.
With people moving back into inner-cities, these areas are becoming multi-functional neighbourhoods where social interaction is a happy by-product of daily life. People run into each other on the street because they’re able to walk almost everywhere, they have the option of exercising outside, they can walk their pets, play with their children or simply spend some time outdoors.
The positive attributes of inner-city living also apply to mixed-use precincts like the Amdec Group’s Melrose Arch. The big difference, however, is that mixed-use developments offer security that is generally superior to that of an inner-city area because the boundaries of a mixed-use precinct are clearly defined and therefore the area is easier secure.
Living at One on Whiteley, the newest residential apartment building at Melrose Arch, comes with distinct benefits. Not only do purchasers and residents get a brand-new living space, but it also involves direct access to the entire precinct, with all it has to offer. If you’d like to go for a walk or a run, all you’d need to do is step out of your front door. If you need something from the shops, they’re all just a short walk away. Meeting friends for drinks or dinner? No problem – it will take you only a few minutes to get there and there’s no need to drive.
The environment within a mixed-use precinct functions like a neighbourhood of old, with all the attributes of a small town of yesteryear. That’s why mixed-use developments are often credited with helping to create happy communities by enabling a lifestyle that functions a lot more like a small town than a big city. And yet, you have all the creature comforts of an urban environment but far fewer of its drawbacks, including light and noise pollution, air pollution, traffic congestion, the cost of fuel and maintenance if you own a vehicle, and a lot more.
These are some of the reasons why mixed-use precincts remain popular with purchasers and tenants, despite the economic slowdown. The value for money that is to be had here, is matched by the convenient, enjoyable and enriching lifestyle that it delivers.